
General Mills Hamburger Helper Expandable Ad

A TLRM (top layer rich media) ad for General Mills. General Mills loved the demo so much, they had it launched live on the service.

The Worst Banner Ad Ever

A ridiculous, but on-message ad about’s AdDesk product.

Terminator Salvation Floating Ad Concept

Terminator Salvation Top Layer Rich Media concept execution on

Dialog In The Dark Exhibit Braille Ad

This is an advertising campaign for the Dialog In The Dark Exhibit in Atlanta. The ad is designed in Braille.

Unilever/Axe Instinct Custom Wallpaper

A custom Axe Instinct wallpaper advertising “takeover” that appeared on the coveted AOL Music main screen.

AOL Advertising B2B Ads

Online advertising for… well… AOL Advertising! I have designed and built online advertising for AOL Advertising that has flown on a variety of the biggest and most visible Advertising trade properties like AdAge, ClickZ, Mediapost and AdWeek.

The Devil Awards

Project Devil is AOL’s effort to create a more beautiful advertising experience for our advertisers and our visitors.  By giving an advertiser 100% SOV on a page Devil Ads reduce ad clutter, give users more of the content they want and also give our advertisers a platform for building their brand, showing off products, and […]

Papa John’s Online Advertising

Papa John’s online advertising campaigns ran my life for a while! For about a year and a half, I handled all of Papa John’s online ad campaigns.

AOL Brand & Content Advertising

I’ve designed countless web traffic-generating interactive and engaging online ads promoting all kinds of AOL Content.

Mitsubishi AOL Clutterbuster Concept

Concept ad for Mitsubishi using AOLs Clutterbuster rich media ad format.